Friday, September 11, 2009


THE GREATNESS OF GRACE" That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:7)

IN THIS WORLD, the grace of God has never been comprehended in its fulness. There is even indication that this is the case among created personalities in the eternal realm. Little wonder God's grace has drawn the attention of angelic hosts. Angels have never received the grace of God, or had a message of its effectuality declared particularly to and for them. How tragic it is that men have chosen to dispute about grace rather than receive it! You will find wherever the grace of God is denied or minimized unusual levels of variance and enmity exist. It is as though God will not allow spiritual advancement where His grace is unknown or neglected.

HERE IS AN ASPECT OF THE DIVINE NATURE that is the basis of His "eternal purpose." In reconciling the world to Himself, God is displaying this hitherto little known aspect of His Person – His grace.

THE MARVELOUS COMPLEXITIES of nature declare God's "power and Godhead (Divinity)", Romans 1:20. The administration of the Law convicted the world of sin by comparatively showing the impeccable holiness of God. But grace shows humanity a side of God not adequately seen prior to Christ. It also reveals to heavenly hosts the exceeding greatness of the One they serve.

NOTE THIS MARVELOUS STATEMENT: "That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace . . . " Vivid phrases like this cannot be used to describe any created person or thing: "exceeding," "incomparable," and "immeasurable." We are speaking of something that goes beyond the capacity of the human intellect! At the best, we only touch the border of this magnificent garment! However, we do well to give ourselves heartily and completely to comprehending more of the grace of God. If God is showing it, we can see it. God has purposed to reveal Himself through those who are in Christ Jesus. Let us join the heavenly hosts in the perusal of His matchless grace. Be like Barnabas who, "when he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad" (Acts 11:23). If evidence of the grace of God can be perceived in people, let every believer determine to be a vehicle through whom God's grace can be known. After all, in salvation God is showing this aspect of His Person!

IT IS NO WONDER THAT EARLY BELIEVERS were exhorted to "continue in the grace of God" (Acts 13:43). Not only would they be preserved by that means, thereby they also became participators in the purpose of God Almighty.

FROM THIS PERSPECTIVE, the Gospel is truly "the gospel of the grace of God" (Acts 20:24). It is "the grace of God" that is "given" to us "by Christ Jesus" (1 Cor 1:4). The grace of God "brings salvation," and then effectively teaches us to "say ‘No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope--the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ" (Tit 2:12-13, NIV). Peter admonishes us to remain firm in God's grace, not allowing ourselves to be drawn away from it. "I have written to you briefly, encouraging you and testifying that this is the true grace of God. Stand fast in it" (1 Pet 5:12, NIV).

GOD HAS DETERMINED that the "exceeding riches" of His grace will be displayed throughout the "ages to come." They have been chosen as the arena in which the RICHES of God's grace will be unfolded. Note it well, not merely the grace of God, which is marvelous of itself, but the RICHES of that grace.

THE THOROUGHNESS AND COMPLETE ADEQUACY of God's grace is being delineated in our salvation--and it will continue to be expounded in the ages to come. When Jesus said "my grace is sufficient for thee" (2 Cor 12:9), He revealed a startling aspect of His Person. Grace is peculiarly an aspect of Deity. While we possess grace, it is borrowed from Him; we have none of our own.

THE EXECUTION OF DIVINE INTENT is made possible by the grace of God. This is an aspect of the Lord that systematized theology fails to grasp. It can speak of the Omniscience of God (all knowingness), and His Omnipresence (unhindered by time or space). The Omnipotence of God (all powerful) also sets Him apart from all personalities. As great and indispensable as these Divine qualities are, they are not the target of Divine exposition! When God chose to unfold an aspect of His Person, He chose His grace. Because of the greatness of that grace, the "ages to come" are required as the arena for its fuller exposition.GRACE MUST BE SEEN as the most advantageous and productive quality of God. For some, this might be difficult to receive, but it is still so. God is more clearly and precisely seen when we perceive His grace. We are made more like Him when we receive His grace. The Scriptures become more clear to us when we stand in His grace. Grace makes us stronger, wiser, and more effective. It makes us better workers, and enables us to receive more from the Lord. Thank God for His rich grace! It is clearly indispensable and effective.

– Given O. Blakely

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