Wednesday, December 30, 2009


"Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, Peace; and there was no peace; and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered mortar: Say unto them which daub it with untempered mortar, that it shall fall: there shall be an overflowing shower; and ye, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall rend it." (Ezekiel 13:10-11)

GOD HAS A HEART FOR HIS PEOPLE – particularly when they are in bad shape because of their preachers, teachers, and leaders. That was the situation in our text. Israel had become spiritually emaciated, and were actually starving, because of their prophets. Therefore, God told Ezekiel to speaks against the prophets who prophesied "out of their own hearts," and had no word from God. He told Ezekiel to tell the prophets it was time for them to listen, not to teach: "Hear ye the word of the Lord!" They had set themselves up among God's people, making quite a career for themselves. However, the Lord called them "foolish prophets that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing" (13:1-2). God likened them to "the foxes in the deserts," scavengers who roamed among God's people, with nothing to give. They had not fortified the people or provided any protection for them. The things they said they had seen were, the Lord said, "vanity and lying divination." They said the Lord had sent them, but did not give any evidence whatsoever that this was true. Their visions were "vain," and the Lord affirmed He had not said what they were saying (13:3-7).

THEREFORE GOD SAID HE WAS "AGAINST THEM," and His hand of support and blessing would not be upon them. He would root them out from among His people, their names would not be written in their history, and no place would be made for them in "the land of Israel" (13:8-9). According to appearance, and by worldly assessment, these were the key people in Israel – the prophets. However, they were actually intruders, imposters, and liars. They had not been sent by God, and He would have nothing to do with them. He would fight against them, and there was no hope they would survive the confrontation.

AT THIS POINT, the Lord spells out their transgression. He opens up WHY their visions were vain, and their message a delusion. They had "seduced" His people with their false message. They had led the people astray, out of the path of life, and away from God – and they did it with a message. It was a message of "Peace" – a message that offered safety, rest, and security. They offered a "wall" that would protect the people, ensure their security, and keep them from all harm. That wall, the Lord said, was "daubed" with "untempered mortar." When a thundering shower of test came against that wall, it would fall. When great hailstones of trial beat upon it, it would fall. When the stormy wind of difficulty blew upon it, it would collapse! Why? It was built with "untempered mortar" – mortar that was itself weak, and could not hold the stones together. The "mortar" looked good at first, but as time passed, it proved to be only whitewash, with no substance whatsoever. Each stone of the wall could be pushed about, with no means of fastening itself to the other stones. "Untempered mortar!" That is like building a wooden house without nails, or constructing a wall with stones of different sizes, and nothing to hold them together.

THERE IS STILL A LOT OF "UNTEMPERED MORTAR" being used among God's people. They are being offered peace and protection by mythical walls that cannot hold back the intrusions of the enemy. All about us, Christians are failing, crushed by circumstance, and carried about with sinful passions. Sin sometimes erupts in the church like a volcano, with hatred, bigotry, and inconsideration spilling over among the people. Among professing Christians, divorce is now at a higher rate than in the world. It is not unusual to hear of unwed mothers, abusing husbands, and disobedient children within the church. That is to say nothing of unfaithfulness to God, a lack of spiritual appetite, ignorance of God's Word, and people continuing in spiritual infancy. All of this exists with a polished and professional clergy, Bible Colleges, Christian publishing companies, and para-church ministries ad-infinitum. Why? Why do these conditions exist with so many religious professionals and experts, and such an abundance of Christian literature, music, and entertainment? Why?

IT IS BECAUSE OF THE PROPHETS – just as surely as it was in Ezekiel's day. They are offering people solutions with "untempered mortar." The routines, procedures, and disciplines that they offer cannot hold up under the stresses of life. Professing Christians are falling because their religion cannot protect them. It is a feeble wall that was not made for the thunder storms, hail, and tornadoes that assault the soul. People are finding they cannot smile their way through affliction, and lifeless routines do not sustain them under the blast of the sun of testing and the desert of pilgrimage.

GOD WILL NOT FORSAKE HIS PEOPLE! He will bring them true peace and protection through faithful messengers who will declare the Gospel, moving men to flee to Jesus for refuge.

– Given O. Blakely

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