Friday, January 8, 2010


HEAVENLY PLACES"And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:6)

WHAT AN INTRIGUING TERM – "heavenly places." Some versions read "heavenly realms" (NIV),. The word "places" emphasizes variety – like a lot of rooms in which treasures can be found. The word "realms" stresses largeness, or vastness, that cannot be fully explored. However you choose to view it, this is where God has placed us in Christ Jesus. He had to "raise," or lift us up, to get us there, because it is far above this earth and whole domain of nature, whether without or within men.

THE STATEMENTS MADE ABOUT THIS REALM. THE statements made about this realm are all central, and conducive to much thought. They are not presented as a sort of creedal statement, but are all pertinent to our daily lives in Christ Jesus. BLESSINGS. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing IN

THE HEAVENLY PLACES in Christ" (1:3). Here is an area of blessing for the inner man – a realm of spiritual benefit and advantage. These benefits are only accessible in Jesus Christ, and come from the hand of the Living God Himself. There are no spiritual blessings that are NOT in this realm. They are ALL there. If men choose to live in the flesh, or apart from fellowship with the Son, into which we have been called (1 Cor 1:9), there are NO spiritual blessings to be had–no lasting benefits.

JESUS IS THERE. " . . . which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES, far above . . . " (1:20). This is the realm into which Jesus ascended. It is where He is presently enthroned, mediating the New Covenant, interceding for the saints, and administering the affairs of the Kingdom over which He presides. The place occupied by Jesus is described as "at His (the Father's) right hand." By being "far above all" all forms of delegated authority, we are to understand He is not subject to competing influences, and His will is invincible.

IT IS WHERE WE ARE. " . . . and raised us up together, and made us sit together IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES in Christ Jesus" (2:6). Not only has the Lord Jesus been elevated to these lofty realms, all who are in Him have also been placed there. Their presence is currently in the first fruits sense, with the fulness yet to come, when God unveils the Son in all of His glory (1 Tim 6:15). This place is experienced by faith, yet is replete with very real advantages and profound experiences for the saints.

THE TUTORING OF LOFTY PERSONALITIES. " . . . to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers IN THE HEAVENLY PLACES, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord" (3:10). There are other personalities in this realm. They are of a higher order than men, and are presently being taught how abundant, diverse, and effective the marvelous "wisdom of God" is. This is being made known through the church, which is the appointed repository for all the "fulness" of Christ (1:23).

THE HEAVENLY REALMS ARE ABOVE the flesh-and-blood order. From the standpoint of earthly vision, they are invisible. From the standpoint of touch and fleshly experience, they are inaccessible. There is no science or area of human knowledge that is able to plot the path into this realm. There is no facet of earthly wisdom that can enable a person to enter these "places." We occupy this domain by Divine placement alone. Everyone who is in Christ Jesus is placed there, and given the advantage of receiving "all spiritual blessings."

THIS IS A REALM OF ACUTE CONSCIOUSNESS. It is not a theoretical domain, but one of lofty experience and activity. It is accessed by faith and through the Holy Spirit. Being there is another way of saying we are in fellowship "with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:3).

THIS IS WHERE THE BENEFITS that are integral to the New Covenant are passed from Deity to those who are a "new creation" in Christ Jesus. Here is where we are "filled with all joy and peace in believing," and come to "abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit" (Rom 15:13). This is the place where prayers are answered, victory over the world is realized, and change from glory unto glory takes place.

HERE IS WHERE GROWTH IS REALIZED and the flesh is crucified. The reservoir of grace is here, together with every good and perfect gift that comes down from above. The "spirit of power, love, and of a sound mind" is here (2 Tim 1:7). Here is where we are "filled with all joy and peace in believing" (Rom 15:13), and where we "go on to perfection" (Heb 6:1). Divine fellowship is realized in this domain.

THIS IS A REALM OF GOD-AWARENESS, where mercy is obtained, and grace is found to help in the time of need (Heb 4:16). It is where spiritual vision is clarified, understanding becomes fruitful, and participation in the Divine nature is realized. This is where fellowship with the Son is enjoyed (1 Cor 1:9). It is where we can put to death the "deeds of the body," putting off the "old man," and putting on the "new man" (Col 3:5,9-10; Eph 4:22-24). Without this realm, we have nothing. Within it, we have everything!

– Given O. Blakely

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