Friday, June 11, 2010


" . . . that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." (Ephesians 2:7, NKJV)

IN CHRIST JESUS, we have been relocated. From one perspective, God "has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love" (Col 1:13, NKJV). From an even more precise point of view, the great God "raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:6). The "heavenly places" are the realm in which spiritual life is nurtured and maintained. They are the domain of safety and growth. They are the only realms where fellowship with Christ can be realized (1 Cor 1:9). Being in "the heavenly places" is what brings the privileges of having access to God (Eph 2:18; 3:12), being strengthened with "all might" (Col 1:11), and gaining and experiencing spiritual stability (Col 2:7).

WHILE THESE ARE INDISPENSABLE to living under the approval and blessing of God, they are not the ultimate objective realized in our salvation. God's purpose is "eternal" (Eph 3:11), reaching beyond "this present evil world" (Gal 1:4) and the restrictions of time. "The present time" is the period in which God's purpose is introduced, not fulfilled. There are things to be revealed beyond the border of time – a glory that excels all sufferings induced by faith (Rom 8:18).

A RELIGION THAT IS ANCHORED to and emphasizes "the present time" is flawed to the core. It has no place for hope, for it presents this life, this time, and this world as preeminent. It is not possible to grow in Christ as long as these views are maintained. In fact, they actually cause one to become "the enemy of God," because they nurture friendship with the world (James 4:4).

THERE IS A GRAND OBJECTIVE to our placement in these "heavenly places." There is a Divine purpose that extends beyond this time, into "the ages to come." These are "ages" that reach beyond human perception and present experience. They fade from earthly view and blend with eternity. No human faculty can penetrate into "the ages to come." Only faith can perceive their border now, and prepare for entrance into them.

THE GREATEST OF ALL EXPERIENCES, and the most prolific of all instruction, will take place in those "ages." Then the real work will begin, and the fulness of salvation will be perceived. Everything we have now is but introductory to what is to come. Considering the greatness of the "unspeakable gift" we have already received, how our anticipation is whetted for things even grander. They will not be of a different order, but an enlargement of what we have now begun to receive in Christ.

THE GREATNESS OF GRACE. Although "the grace of God" is not frequently mentioned in certain circles, it will be the subject of Divine exposition in the world to come. What has, and will be, accomplished by the grace of God transcends everything else that God Himself has wrought. The magnificent creation of "the worlds" recedes into the background when the grace of God is seen "in truth" (Col 1:6). Mount Sinai is overshadowed by the greater glory of the Divine benevolence brought to men in Christ Jesus. His dealings with Israel are but faint glimpses of the things grace has brought to the sons of men.

THE GRACE OF GOD has reached deeper, and extends higher, than any of the previous dealings of God with mankind. It is wider in scope, covering greater periods of time and a larger populous. It has a more profound depth, exposing our hearts and minds to more of God's nature and a greater familiarity with his "eternal purpose." The "grace of God" carries a greater measure of Divine kindness, and is more replete with provisions.

GOD HAS "made us sit together with Him [Christ] in the heavenly places" in order to prepare us for an even greater working. He has put us upon the heavenly "potters wheel" to shape and mold us in such a way as will unveil to heavenly intelligences how exceedingly wise and gracious He is.

WHAT GOD'S GRACE has produced will be the subject of earnest inquiry throughout the "ages to come." Already it has solicited the attention of angels, who long to look into the message of the Gospel, which proclaims what grace has already done (1 Pet 1:12). What glories will be unfolded throughout the coming ages? What marvelous associations will be made between the sons of God and the grace of God? How our hearts will burn within us as the great God of heaven unfolds the abundant riches that are resident in His matchless grace! Here, in the grace of God, is a Divine repository that is unexcelled. There are "riches" here that cannot be found anywhere else. Therein are provisions that our minds can scarcely perceive in this world. Let us become familiar with that grace now! You can "find" grace now "to help in the time of need" (Heb 4:16). That will prepare you for "ages to come."

– Given O. Blakely

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