Monday, July 26, 2010


"Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight . . . Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths . . . He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel." -- Exodus 33:13; Psalm 25:4; 103:7

THROUGHOUT HISTORY GOD HAS REVEALED various aspects of His Person to men. To Israel, He revealed "the power of His works" through mighty deliverances and direction (Psa 111:6). He showed Moses His glory (Ex 33:22), and His "glory and greatness" when He spoke out of the fire of Sinai (Deut 5:24). David was shown the Lord's "marvelous kindness" (Psa 31:21), and His prophetic word was shown to Jeremiah (Jer 38:21). Through Micah the prophet, the Lord made known what was "good," and what was "required" of man (Mic 6:8). Peter was shown that no man should be called "common or unclean" (Acts 10:28). The "invisible" things of God have been clearly "shown" to humanity in the creation (Rom 1:19), and Peter was "shown" when he would put off his earthly tabernacle (2 Pet 1:14). How very much God has made known to humanity!

THERE IS ONE THING TO BE REVEALED, however, that is even greater than these. Throughout history, few have been given a glimpse of this. Holy men have earnestly sought it. I refer of God's "WAY," or "WAYS." This speaks of the Lord's manner, how He thinks and what He does. It addresses His custom and practices – how He responds, and the initiatives He takes. Included in "His ways" is the manner in which He deals with individuals, what His aim is for them, and what He has prepared for them.

MOSES HAD CONFRONTED GOD, speaking with Him "face to face" (Ex 33:11). He had seen the fiery tempest surrounding Him, heard His assessment of the people, and received His holy commandments. He was NOT unacquainted with God. Yet, this holy man was not content to simply hear something from God, or merely learn what He expects from His creatures. It was the Lord Himself Moses desired to know. He wanted to understand His Person, His character, and His thoughts – "Show me NOW Your ways!"

INDEED, GOD DID SHOW Moses His ways. Hiding him in the cleft of a rock, lest he be consumed by Divine glory, the Lord declared what He was like. Passing before Him, the Lord proclaimed, "The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations" (Ex 34:6-7, NASB). There are nine of the Lord's "ways" – "ways" no one can conclude from nature, and which precious few have been given to comprehend in any significant measure. How marvelous are His "ways."• Compassionate – Merciful and considerate.• Gracious – Willing to stoop in kindness to the inferior, providing blessing for them.• Slow to anger – Longsuffering, not seeking an opportunity to curse and malign.• Abounding in lovingkindness – Overflowing with considerate benevolence.• Abounding in truth – Unveiling increasing measures of truth to the hearts of men.• Keeps lovingkindness for thousands– Persists in expressions of love to multitudes.• Forgives iniquity, transgression and sin – All manner of sin is willingly forgiven.• Will not leave the guilty unpunished – He will deal with those who do not abandon sin.• Visits the iniquity of the fathers on their posterity – Storing up a harvest of wrath for generations of those who hate Him.

THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL SAW God's "works," but were not shown His "ways." That is a blessing reserved only or those having an appetite for the Living God. His ways cannot be learned academically.

DAVID ALSO SOUGHT this singular blessing: to be shown the "ways" of the Lord. He also asked the Lord to teach him His "paths." These are both intensely personal aspects of the Lord. They go far beyond knowing what is going to occur tomorrow, or what is expected of us. Those are not matters to be despised, but they rank behind the "ways" and "paths" of God. "Ways" and "paths" have more to do with God's own Person.

WHAT CAN GOD BE EXPECTED TO DO? – i.e., What are His ways? Where can you expect to find Him? – i.e., Where are His paths? Is it possible to be so acquainted with the Lord you can "walk in the light as He is in the light" (1 John 1:7). Indeed it is! This is nothing less than "the knowledge of God" (Hos 6:6; Col 1:10; 2 Pet 1:2). It is "knowing the Lord," a unique New Covenant benefit (Heb 8:11). It is both pleasant and rewarding, informative and satisfying. No person being shown the "ways" of the Lord will be disappointed.

– Given O. Blakely

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